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Cover page, Indian Link, inaugural issue October 24th June 1994.
Newspaper held in State Reference Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Today Indian Link has progressed into a well-known, energetic newspaper serving its readership as an online and print media publication.
In the newspaper's first editorial 'Editorial: A New Beginning' Editor Rahul Jalali noted that the staff of Indian Link saw themselves "as the watchdogs of Indian interests in Australia ".*
This sentiment is reflected in the three front-page articles of the first edition, which monitored the distribution of information about India to Indian people and throughout the world via television, academia and the print media.
'Murdoch's Star dips over India' reported on the distribution of western entertainment and media in India, while 'Sydney Uni: Centre for Indian studies faces closure?' revealed the under-funding of academic research and courses in Indian studies at the University of Sydney. However, it was the article 'Plague: India fought alone, while a scared world turned away...' that most displayed the newspaper's concern with ethical journalism and representation of the Indian community in Australia.
The article revealed sensationalism in the reporting of an incidence of the plague in India by major newspapers in America, England and Australia. Indian Link notes that it countered the sensationalism by publishing documented statistics of the incident and correcting the cultural assumptions made by the other newspapers.^
* Jalali, R., ‘Editorial: A new beginning' in Indian Link , no. 1, October 24, 1994. p 10.
^ Jalali, R., ‘Plague: India fought alone, while scared world turned away' in Indian Link , no. 1, October 24, 1994, p 1 and p 13.
Contact Details
Indian Link
GPO Box 108
Sydney 2001
Ph: (02) 9279 2004
Fax: (02) 9279 2005
Email: info@indianlink.com.au
Website: www.indianlink.com.au