Vision China Times
The Vision China Times was first established in New York City in February 2006. The paper was first distributed in Sydney on 15 July 2006 and as the only integrated Chinese newspaper circulated on Sundays, the paper stands out because of its large variety of information coverage. There are 16 editorials per issue ranging from news to fashion to lifestyle. The paper aims to provide an insight into the current Chinese society, legal system and government as well as enriching the lives of young to middle aged Chinese immigrants with the latest on sports, immigration, fashion, travel, health and gossip.
The front page story of this edition is about the Oscar winning documentary 'The Blood of Yingzhou District' made by Hong Kong-born filmmaker Ruby Yang and award-winning producer Thomas Lennon. The film reveals the hidden AIDS epidemic in China which is not commonly associated with the disease. It shows unsafe practices by blood banks in China and the thousand of impoverished Chinese who contracted HIV and other diseases through contaminated blood, often leaving behind orphaned children to raise each other or depend on compassionate families for support.
Contact Details
The Vision China Times
PO Box 10
Mascot, NSW, 1460
Ph: (02) 9666 5561
Fax: (02) 8572 5265
Email: editor@secretchina.com.au Website: www.kanzhongguo.com
The front page story of this edition is about the Oscar winning documentary 'The Blood of Yingzhou District' made by Hong Kong-born filmmaker Ruby Yang and award-winning producer Thomas Lennon. The film reveals the hidden AIDS epidemic in China which is not commonly associated with the disease. It shows unsafe practices by blood banks in China and the thousand of impoverished Chinese who contracted HIV and other diseases through contaminated blood, often leaving behind orphaned children to raise each other or depend on compassionate families for support.
Contact Details
The Vision China Times
PO Box 10
Mascot, NSW, 1460
Ph: (02) 9666 5561
Fax: (02) 8572 5265
Email: editor@secretchina.com.au Website: www.kanzhongguo.com