MHC Forum 1999

Our Diversity - Our Heritage : Partnerships for Migration Heritage Forum

Papers from the 1999 MHC Forum offering valuable perspectives and useful examples on how communities, cultural organisations and government agencies can work together


  1. Political Will or Political Won't
    A contextual examination of past and present government multicultural arts policies
    Christine Sammers

  2. Migration Heritage
    Beyond the Memory Box
    Vasiliki Nihas

  3. Through the fly's eye
    - a myriad of views, perspectives and angles.
    Frank Panucci

  4. This is Dee Why
    Community aspirations - the role of culture and heritage in planning for people and places.
    Monica Barone

  5. Linking Threads
    Stories from Regional NSW
    Dr Janis Wilton

  6. Are you being served?
    Reframing Strategies for Audience Development - Issues and Practical Strategies
    Cheryle Yin-Lo

  7. Professional Development and Heritage
    Issues in Education and Training
    Professor Andrew Jakubowicz