Community Heritage Project: Wattan Report
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Discussion Document


Some Issues arising:

1. Community and institutional partnerships: critical questions about practice.

Genuine community partnerships create a bond that can be developed over generations, and a short-term project mentality can make unrealistic promises. If it is possible for cultural institutions to develop long term corporate relationships – is it therefore possible to create models of long term community affiliation?

How do large institutions avoid the traps of anthropological / ethnographic pursuits, whereby the institution is “enriched” and the community is “depleted”? How do the community groups set the agendas, without having to work for “acknowledgement”, and without being made to feel they must be “grateful”?

How do independent organisations / institutions seek the broadest partnerships, which are non-sectarian and which do not claim to represent all Lebanese and Arab Australians and their experiences?

2. Arab Australian community issues: Some issues and questions arising from the experience of community consultation and discussion. Perceptions of the community vs. community self-perceptions.

3. The Heritage Business: “heritage” and / or “history”?

4. Cultural institutions: the challenge to make real shifts vs. the cool “synergy” of “buzzwords”!

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