Eesti Vabariik - Republic of Estonia
Did you know?
Population: 1.4 million
Capital: Tallinn
Area: 45,227 sq km (3/4 size of Tasmania)
Temperature range: average daily -8.c winter+ 18 c summer
Natural terrain: peat bog 20%, forests 50.5%
Number of islands: 1,521
Number of lakes: 1,000
Highest point: Suur Munamägi (Big Egg hill) 318m high
Major language: Estonian
Major religion: Lutheran
Money: 1 kroon (EEK)+ 100 sents
Industry: engineering, electronics, wood and wood products, textiles, information technology, telecommunications
Agriculture vegetables, grain, live stock and dairy products
National flower: cornflower
National bird: swallow
National stone: Limestone
Literacy: 100%
National anthem: My homeland, my joy and delight
Chief of State: President Toomas Henrik Ilves
Head of Government: Prime Minister Andrus Ansip