Mahmoud and his wife Wadad Elrich describe their son Ahmad...
"He loves what he does. He loves sport. He loves soccer."
listen to an interview with
Mahmoud & Wadad Elrich »
Like many of our favourite Aussie football stars, Ahmad has a migrant background.
The Elrich family (pictured above) originally came from Lebanon.
'He loves what he does. He loves sport. He loves soccer.'
Mahmoud and his wife Wadad Elrich describe their son Ahmad. Their home is a shrine
to their sons Ahmad and his brother Tarek (Newcastle Jets) who both play for Australia.
Ahmad Elrich was born on 30 May 1981. He played first for Bass Hill under sevens,
then later for Parramatta Eagles in the National Soccer League (NSL). Elrich is not
just a success story for his club but for the entire Lebanese Australian community.
As an Australian international player, he represented Australia in the 2004 Olympics
and now plays for Fulham (England).
Meet Mahmoud and Wadad Elrich

Mahmoud: We never did actually expect him to be where he is now or his brother to be where he is now.
We thought sport is good, it's good to be in sport, soccer or other sport. I used to love tennis, soccer and I like football, Rugby League but didn't want my kids to play.
We put them from a young age to keep them of the street. When they have a break after school, instead of going around with their other street friends, we thought we keep their time filled up and busy with sport.
From age of nine and under twelves his coach was saying he's a future player for Australia. In the under thirteens he won 'player of the year' from Parramatta Eagles. The president of the club then, Sam Valla, he said "this boy is going to be a future player for Australia". And he was only under thirteen.
When Ahmad made Socceroos, the coach came, kissed my wife and hugged me said "didn't I tell you he is going to be a famous player?"
He used to train twice a week from a young age, when he was a bit older it went to three nights. It was homework, training, come back no time for others.

He loves what he does, he loves the sport, he loves the soccer.
If you don't love what you do, you never succeed, this is my belief, my philosophy, you have to love what you doing then you'll be successful. Otherwise forget it. It doesn't; matter how much we drive Ahmad to do it he won't he won't be able to do it, he won't be where he is now.
I think he takes it day by day. His dream it so play for Australia he played for Australia, his dream is to play in Europe, he did play in Europe. I don't know what his next dream will be.