We had accommodation with the Buskariols for a couple of years, then we built our house next door. - Luka Oreb
Many arrived and knew no-one. We were apprehensive, lonely and confused in a land about which we knew so little. Some were greeted by family and friends. We shared tears, laughter and a wonderful sense of relief that we had finally arrived.
Carlo still tells me that he arrived in November, and that first Christmas he cried
like a baby and if he'd had the
money he would have gone home.
Filomena Tormena
Spiros was waiting for me. I felt relieved in a way, that I had
come and that there
was someone waiting for me.
Vasiliki (Vickie) Niarros
It really breaks my heart when I think of it: mum and dad
seated at this little kitchen
table in a little two-bedroom
house that the farmer had built for us. They talked about
and about what they had left behind, then they'd cry.
They would both just sit there and cry!
Vita la Rovere
I was on the ship for four weeks. I travelled with other
people on the boat and we docked in
Adelaide on the 12th
February 1936. My friends saw my future husband from the
deck before they
got off and were saying "That's him! What
do you think?"
Kata Andrich
It struck me in the morning when I woke up to the sound of
the crows outside the window.
All I could see was sand and
saltbush and next door was a yard full of old cars and
I sat down and I cried. I thought about the
mountains and views from my bedroom window (in Italy).
Filomena Tormena
I do remember dad telling me that when he came to
Australia, he had to get on a bus from Melbourne to
Mildura to Broken Hill.
Anna Murphy
I ordered a cheese sandwich and they brought out Kraft
cheese in white bread — something that didn't
anything like the bread and cheese I was used to! It was
quite a shock to me.
Elsa Kanck
It was very hard. I cried all day for
eight months. I wanted to go back
to Italy but we couldn't
afford it.
Caterina Barzelatto
I was really disappointed when I reached Fremantle. I liked
the area but I couldn't understand anything.
Then, as I was
walking down the street, a child ran away from his mother
and he crossed the footpath
and he fell down. Blood was
coming out from both knees and he started crying. "Aaah!"
I said, "I'm happy
now because they cry the same as what
they cry in Italy." I was happy after that!
Italo Dall'Armi
We stayed in Sydney for one week when I first arrived in
Australia and I enjoyed Sydney.
I was really impressed and I
thought Broken Hill would be the same too because I was
Broken Hill was a city.
Merita Nicholas

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My parents and friends from Blato met me at the airport. It was the first time I had seen my father for twenty six years. - Ante Zaknich

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Paul Zammit and son: new arrivals

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We had accommodation with the Buskariols for a couple of years, then we built our house next door. - Luka Oreb

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Giuseppe Franze