Dad had this little boat and after a while, to survive, they caught perch and cod and sent it to a shop in Broken Hill. - Jenny Cattonar
We experienced language difficulties, isolation and loneliness. We shared extreme weather conditions with our neighbours. Dust storms and water restrictions were part of life.
Every Saturday and Sunday the
dust would come; you would clean
up and it
would come again.
Kata Andrich
I still have difficulties sometimes with the language.
When I first arrived,
I had a lot of discrimination
from other people - mainly Australians, but
forty four years later, I have no difficulties at all. I
seem to have got
used to the style of Broken Hill.
Karl Karthauser
We had no money so there was no washing-machine.
My hands were the washing-machine.
I used a
copper sometimes and I made the soap.
Bruna Genua
Sometimes I went to the pub to drink with Greek
friends. The Australians would push
us out but after
we had a big fight they would let us in the pub and
we would drink
Spiros Niarros
Mr King, the Sports Master, appointed me as the captain
of the school when I was in
sixth class. A letter was written
by an irate parent to Mr King, stating that he did
not want
his son participating in sport while a dago was the captain
and that this
was the feeling amongst many other parents.
When I heard of this letter I left Alma
School, very
disappointed, and enrolled in the Central School for a very
short time.
Rudolph Alagich OAM
Towards the end of the war the Government sent Dad and
other men to Barmera in South
Australia to cut wood. The
men worked in groups of ten and were initially paid a
wage. Later a contract system was introduced but
morale was low and the men only did
enough to earn
Noris Braes
I used to go to the phone box in front of our house with a box
full of pennies to ring all the
Angelina (Anne) Attard
I was only home (from war) for a couple of years when dad
got killed
on the mine. One hundred men walked in front
of the hearse at his funeral.
Joseph (Joe) Attard
In about 1980 my son came home to me one day, and said
"Dad, they're making fun of my
name. What shall I do?" I
said, "Well either learn to fight son, or you put up with
it and
don't let it worry you". So consequently, he ironed out a few
and that sorted
that problem out!
Reginald (Reg) Pedergnana
It was difficult for a few years when I had to see a doctor.
People expected to be
paid if they took you. We didn't give
them money, but my husband had to work for
them for
Olga Zanette

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There were water restrictions: there was no water in Umberumberka, no water in Stephens Creek. They carried water on the train from Menindee. From eight o'clock to four o'clock there was no water at all...

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Dust storm, Argent Street, 1955

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Afghan camel train