Roads To Refuge

Who’s involved

Migration Heritage Centre
Centre for Refugee Research, University of New South Wales
NSW Department of Education and Training

When and where

Project status: Completed project
Date of completion: February 2003

Project description

This project aims to provide a learning program for the children and young people of NSW on the specific experiences of refugee children and young people. The project will emphasise the positive attributes of refugees, such as bravery, resilience and perseverance.

The project includes:

the production of workbooks & accompanying training kit containing stories, poems, photographs & drawings from refugee children, highlighting their experiences;

the learning program will be trailed and fine tuned following the pilot stage;


training for teachers in use of the materials.

What will the project achieve?

Attitudinal and behavioural change in children and young people in NSW.
Ultimately, a more welcoming and accepting social environment for refugee children and young people.
Visit extracts of the video.

Project contact

Eileen Pittaway – Director
Centre for Refugee Research, UNSW

Phone 02 9385 1849
Fax 02 9662 8891


PO Box 973
Kensington NSW 2033
