Contributed by Carmen Mcpherson, Year 1, Good shepherd primary school. This story is part of a collection of stories from the Skola Maltija’s Maltese Migration Projects From Malta to Australia.
Fejn kont toqghod malta?
I used to live in a village in Birkirkara.
Meta tlaqt minn malta?
I left Malta on the 29th April 1963.
Kemm kellek zmien meta tlaqt minn malta?
I was 16 and a half years old when I left Malta.
X’kienet ir-raguni li emigrajt lejn l-awstralja?
The reason was we wanted a new life in Australia, maybe more opportunity existed.
Kif kien il-viagg?
By Qantas Airplane, a very long trip with three destination stops till we arrived in Australia. It took a little more than 24 hours and we only brought a big box of bits and pieces, we only had very little in those days. Our luggage was only a couple of cases of clothes, not much! Your Nannu and Me came to Australia married, very young,and lived in my brother’s garage, as he had come to Australia before we did. He was our Guarantor as back in those days it was called. I was also pregnant with my first daughter,which is your Aunty Anna.
X’kien l-ewwel xoghol tieghek fl-awstralja?
My first job was in a factory at Ducons Condensors Pty.Ltd. in Regents Park, making parts for televisions. I used to get to work by bus and train.
Ghandek xi esperjenzi ohra li tixtieq tghidli?
My experiences were going to work by bus and train, coming home to cook and clean and look after all the family and relatives. I had your Aunty Anna at the time, still a baby, and I used to sew. I would make baby clothes. I learnt to sew in Malta and learnt at Pallazo Del La Salle. I also had jobs in Australia sewing in factories, one was Amco Jeans at Villawood.
grazzi hafna nanna censina
By Carmen Mcpherson